
3rd Sunday of Easter John 21:1-19

It was OK to follow

schlepping around the Galilean country side

doing what we were told

watching every move Jesus made

feeling the excitement

We had it made in a way

connected to something bigger than ourselves

preparing the way for the kingdom

In our own way we had it made

and then

then he was gone

Oh sure there was the resurrection

and the time spent with us

and the day of Pentecost

and then

then the spotlight went off

the houselights came up

and there we were

Party over

Now what?

Back to the same old

fade into the countryside


take life easy

and forget about that night

and the rooster crowing


Feed my sheep!

Feed my sheep!

Feed my sheep!

Be made whole again

and go into the whole world

which is not

and never will be

the same again

No longer centre stage

but streets and byways

Find the sheep

and feed them


Psalm 30

Congregation: I will exalt you, LORD, for you rescued me and refused to let my enemies and fears triumph over me. I cried to you for help, and you restored me, you brought me up from the depths and kept me from falling even deeper.

Worship Leader: Therefore sing to the LORD, all you godly ones! Praise the Lord’s holy name for though there may be anger at our deeds and lack of belief, the Lord’s favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning light.

Congregation: When I was prosperous, I said, “Nothing can stop me now!” In my pride I claimed your favor O LORD, and felt it made me as secure as a mountain. Because of my arrogance you turned away from me, and I was shattered.

Worship Leader: We cried out to you, O LORD and begged for mercy, saying, “What will you gain if we die and sink into the grave? Can our dust praise you or tell of your faithfulness? In our despair, we finally turned from our pride to your love and cried out, hear us, O LORD, and have mercy on us, Help us, O LORD, for we turn now to you.

The psalm ends with: (Mourning into Dancing)

You've turned my mourning into dancing again, You've lifted my sorrows
I can't stay silent I must sing For Your joy has come

Where there once was only hurt, you gave Your healing hand
Where there once was only pain you've brought comfort Like a friend
And I feel the sweetness of your love Piercing my darkness
And I see the bright and morning sun
As it ushers in your joyful gladness

You've turned my mourning into dancing again you've lifted my sorrows
And I can't stay silent I must sing For your joy has come

10w worship for May 1st, Fishing Pro.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 1st, Fishing Pro. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is God of the Harvest by Dakota Road from the album Boundless Love.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at dakotaroadmusic.com



2nd Sunday in Easter John 20:19-31

I sit in darkness

late at night

the kids are asleep

quiet now

--after a day of fun

oblivious to the adult world

--as we have made it

of war and hate

and children very much like themselves

loved very much like themselves

without enough

--of their share

--to survive

I want to venture out

To help in this world

--of too much

----and not enough

but I often find myself


here in the darkness



of my own walls


--into this sanctuary

--of my

------awareness fear

comes a voice


of disturbing comfort

that seeks to destroy

------------my little kingdom

-------of what




-----------------------anyway walls

I am heralded again


from that voice of life

----(be with you)

I long to

--but wish not



in the midst of your world

and because of it

as the words still ring

------in my mind

I remember the one who came

To make all things new

And I long

--for that contact

that would take me by the hand

and lead me

--down the path of what will be

lead me

----(as the Father sent me)

somehow to show

--that Christ lives

show it to others

------and myself

Help me Lord to do thy will

----(I send you)





Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 118)

Worship Leader: Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose love endures forever.

Congregation: Let everyone say, God’s love endures forever.
Worship Leader: Open the gates of righteousness and we will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
Congregation: They are the gates through which I may enter and give thanks for the Lord has become my salvation.
Worship Leader: I marvel when I see that which was rejected by the world, has become the foundation of humanity
Congregation: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Worship Leader: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, 
Congregation: with boughs in hand we will join the festal procession.
Worship Leader: You are our God and we give you thanks and exalt your name
Congregation: Give thanks to the Lord who is good and whose love endures forever.


10w worship for April 24th, Essence of Faith.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for April 24th, Essence of Faith. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is He Has Been Raised by Dakota Road from the album Build Up.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at Dakotaroadmusic.com



Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 118)

Worship Leader: Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose love endures forever.

Congregation: Let everyone say, God’s love endures forever.
Worship Leader: Open the gates of righteousness and we will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
Congregation: They are the gates through which I may enter and give thanks for the Lord has become my salvation.
Worship Leader: I marvel when I see that which was rejected by the world, has become the foundation of humanity
Congregation: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Worship Leader: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, 
Congregation: with boughs in hand we will join the festal procession.
Worship Leader: You are our God and we give you thanks and exalt your name
Congregation: Give thanks to the Lord who is good and whose love endures forever.


The Resurrection of our Lord Luke 24:1-11

In the Spring

I would come out to that place

with the stream flowing

fast clear through the narrows

of the mud

and snow choked hills

The sun would shine warm

and send light bouncing off the water

as it flowed

through the mud

and snow

the sun’s rays felt good

on my ice cold hands

as I enjoyed the beauty

of new life beginning


In the beginning God created all

and it was good

From nothingness came good

and beauty

and joy

tarnished by the desire of us all

to be gods

to run our little dominion

And we did

And we died

And Christ came

in our self appointed winter

confined not to the cold

and dead dungeons of our world

and sprang forth in light and life

to a world made new

As in the beginning

where life

in the midst of our dungeons

burst forth

sparkling in the waters that flow

through the mud and snow clogged narrows

of our soul

To bring us


10w worship for April 17th, Celebrate.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for April 17th, Celebrate. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is Rise up with Christ, by the Jay Beech Band from the album, Everyone who is thirsty, come.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at baytonemusic.com



Sunday of Passion Luke 22:1-23:56

 Hosanna!  Hosanna!

to the one who comes in the name of the Lord

Hosanna to the one who comes to save us

we rejoice

yet sorrow that this one

the Song of God

the Lord most High

has come to this world

in which each one of us dips our bread

with this one

the Churst

and in this act of oneness

of family

we bring death

to our Lord

to our selves

we are all there shouting


and Crucify Him!

in thought, word and deed

by what we have done

and by what we have left undone

yet not rejected, but loved

by the one we hung on the cross


Psalm 31:9-16

Pastor: Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief

Congregation: My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak. 

Pastor: Because of all my enemies, I am the utter contempt of my neighbors; I am a dread to my friends— those who see me on the street flee from me. 

Congregation: I am forgotten by them as though I were dead; I have become like broken pottery. For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side; they conspire against me and plot to take my life.

Pastor: But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.

Congregation: Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.



10w worship for April 10th, Palms and Passion.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for April 10th, Palms and Passion. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Hosanna Blessed One by the Jay Beech Band from the album Everyone Who is Thirsty, Come. Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at baytonemusic.com


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