
Luke 3:1-6

John came with the message


Prepare your hearts



for the one who is to come

and is here

fill the world with the love

that we

----on this side of the cross

know came into the world

on that lonely night

when all the world broke for the light

and song

and the angels sang with the shepherds


Joy be to this world

Joy be in your hearts

----Immanuel has come

Prepare ye the way

In a world filled with hatred

And walls

And change

Prepare in your heart

Prepare in your world

For the One of whom John spoke


God with us. 

10w worship for December 5th, Smooth.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for December 5th, Smooth. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Andra Moran from the album Presents in the Attic. Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at the Convergence Music Project. www.convergencemp.com/artist/andra-moran.html



1st Sunday in Advent Luke 21:25-36

How can we stand Lord?

We know of your awesome power


to create

----and bring to a close

all of this

----beyond our ability to conceive


How can we stand in this world

filled with all the powers of temptation

we can muster?

How can we stand and be ready

even when we see the signs?

(God gave)

In our world full of everyone is doing it

and that’s the way things are

(so loved)

we have so many one more things to do

here in this place.

(the world)

Even when I try to focus on you alone

(He gave his only Son)

I fail.

Even when I try to focus on you alone

I am unable to truly be who you call me to be.

(that whoever believes in Him)

When I look at the end coming

I am afraid

I will perish.

(will not perish)

and lose my

(but have eternal life)


Opening Litany Psalm 25,

Psalm 25: 1-10 - This psalm is an acrostic poem, the verses of which begin with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet, therefore in using the first ten verses I attempted to follow that patterning in English.

Pastor: All gather before you O Lord as we lift our souls to you.

Congregation: Be merciful onto us O Lord and do not let us be put to shame for we put our trust in You O Lord our God.

Pastor: Can anyone whose hope is in the Lord be put to shame?

Congregation: Doomed however are those who are treacherous without excuse, for they will be put to shame.

Pastor: Evermore you will show me your ways, O LORD and teach me to walk in your paths; You O Lord guide me in your truth and teach me your ways,

Congregation: For you are my God and my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Pastor: Gracious Lord, Remember your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.

Congregation: Heed not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;

Pastor: Instead, remember me according to your love, for you are merciful, O LORD.

Congregation: Just and upright is the LORD who instructs sinners in the ways of righteousness.

Pastor: Kindly the Lord guides the humble in what is right and teaches them the ways of grace and mercy.

Congregation: Lord our God, all your ways are loving and faithful for those who walk in your ways.


10w worship for November 28th, Come, Jesus, Come.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for November 28th, Come, Jesus, Come. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the week is Come, O Long Expected Jesus  Dakota Road, used with permission from their album, Love Can Break Through. You can find this album and others at dakotaroadmusic.com



Christ the King Sunday John 18:33-37

In Glory Christ came into our lives

in glory

as a King among his people

but a people

who did not know him

a people who wished

only to be let alone

and live in the bondage

they had become used to

the bondage created over the generations

the bondage

they no longer saw

this King came


In a world that knew not victory

to rule

a people loved.

10w worship for November 21st, King Love.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for November 14th, Ooooh, Shiny. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Love to the World by Dakota Road from the album, Love Can Break Through.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at Dakotaroadmusic.com


Mark 13:1-13

 Always striving

always searching for a way

to know

to have the inside track

searching for that clue

thinking secretly

we should have looked just on more way

then we would know

searching the heavens

and the scriptures for a sign

some sign

any sign

to let us know

to give us some feeling f being in control

to say to God

and our fellow travelers

I Know

I don’t really need you

because in the end

I Know!

The time will come

and even then we will not know

even then there will be enough doubt

to turn our eyes from ourselves

to the God who made us

and saves us

in that time we fear most.

Opening Litany based on Psalm 16

 Worship Leader: Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.

Congregation: We said to the LORD, “You are our Master! Every good thing we have comes from you.” The godly people in the land are our heroes and we take pleasure in them!

Worship Leader: Troubles seem to multiply for those who chase after other gods.

Congregation: We will not take part in their sacrifices or pretend to follow in their ways for the LORD alone is our inheritance, our cup of blessing.

Worship Leader: You guard all that is ours. The land you have given us is a pleasant land and a wonderful inheritance!

Congregation: We will bless the LORD who guides us; even at night our hearts instruct us to follow the ways of the Lord. Therefore we know the LORD is always with us and we will not be shaken, for the Lord is right beside us at all times.

Worship Leader: No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. I rest in safety knowing the Lord walks with us and will not leave us to the powers of death.

Congregation: The Lord will show us the way of life, granting us joy of living in the presence of the Lord forever.

10w worship for November 14th, Ooooh, Shiny.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for November 14th, Ooooh, Shiny. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is What a Blessed Assurance by Andra Moran from the album Harmony Grove.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at Andra Moran at Amazon Music or Shazam.



All Saints Sunday John 11:1-53

 Life, Death

in the span of things

they are all part of the one

all part of who we are

Life limited to the here and now

Death, beyond that

and loved still

by a God who loves on this side of the grave

and beyond

Come Out Lazarus

Come out that the world may see

not so much one risen

but the one for whom

rising and living and dying

are all part of love

May the love of Christ

be with you now and forever more


Psalm 24

Pastor:  God claims all the Earth and everything in it, God claims the whole world and all who live on it.  For the Lord built it on Ocean foundations and laid it out on Rivers girders. 

Congregation: Who can climb the Mountain of God? Who can scale the holy peaks?  Only the clean-handed and pure-hearted; those who won't cheat or seduce. 
Pastor: God is at their side and with God's help they make it. This, O Listener, is what happens to those who seek after the heart of God.
Congregation: Wake up, you busy and distracted city! Wake up, you hurried and frazzled people! The King of Glory is ready to enter.
Pastor: Who is this King of Glory, this mighty King of Glory? This is the God who had defeated evil and sin in the world. This is the Lord of Hosts.
Congregation: Wake up, you busy and distracted city! Wake up, you hurried and frazzled people! The King of Glory is ready to enter.  We will turn our attention to the Lord God Almighty who saves us by his grace and turns sinners into saints.


10w worship for November 7th, Unholy Saints.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for November 7th, Unholy Saints. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Break these Chains by Dakota Road from the album, Break these chains.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at Dakotaroadmusic.com


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