
2nd Sunday after Pentecost Mark 3:20-35

 Out on the edge

Of what we know

As existence

Stands one


In a moment filled

With the hungry ears

-------- and hearts

------------ and souls


for the last drop of blood

this moment can give

and looking down on the crowd

from the inside

Christ knew the hunger

---- felt the pain

and loved them

while those

from far inside the edge

see only through their eyes

a world

dangerously close

to reality

---- breaking in

and call upon the spotlight to beam

---- center stage

to which Christ responds

by turning up

-------- the house lights

showing us

---- as if for the first time

our neighbor

Opening Litany based on Psalm 130

Worship Leader: Out of the deepest parts of my life I cry to you, LORD; Let your ears be attentive and hear my cries for mercy.

Congregation: If indeed the LORD kept a record of sins, who could stand before the Lord our God?

Worship Leader: Instead of records, there is forgiveness so that all might know of the joy of serving the Lord. 

Congregation: In my life, I put my trust in the Lord and wait for the LORD.  My whole being waits for the Lord; for it is there that I put my hope.  

Worship Leader: With a longing in our souls, we are like the night watchman waiting for the morning to fill our lives with light.   

Congregation: People of God, put your hope in the Lord for there you will find unfailing love and the fullness of redemption.  For the Lord will redeem the children of God from all their sins. 

10w worship for June 6th, We're Family.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for June 6th, We're Family. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is We’re Family by The Jay Beech Band from the album One Body Alive.  Use with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at www.baytonemusic.com


John 3:1-18 Holy Trinity Sunday

Perched high in our own protection

we search

looking for that one someone out there

who will give us


what we are looking for

that one someone who will drag us along

on coattails of almost making it

We search the crowd

          busy and on its way

for one




who will give us that edge

          that way

of fulfilling the desires within

sitting here

perched up high and finding nothing

in a world busy preaching but not hearing

I don’t even see the scene change


Suddenly a newness splits the air

and is sucked into our




almost painfully filled with life

          (so loved the world)

drawing us onward into the crowd

          (that Christ was given)

of life and death swirled together

          (that whoever)

in search


of the fullness that must come


from out there somewhere

Psalm 29


Worship Leader: Give everything to the Lord all you heavenly beings. Give to the Lord all the glory and strength due the holy name of the Lord.

Congregation: We will worship the LORD in the splendor of the Lord’s holiness.

Worship Leader: The voice of the LORD is over the waters; full of glory it thunders over all the mighty waters of the earth.

Congregation:  The voice of the LORD is powerful and majestic able to break even the mighty cedars of Lebanon.

Worship Leader: And yet, the Lord brings joy. 

Congregation: The Lord makes Lebanon leap like a calf and Syria like a young wild ox.

Worship Leader: The voice of the LORD strikes like flashes of lightning and shakes the Desert of Kadesh.  The powerful voice of the LORD twists the mighty oaks and can strip the forests bare.

Congregation: At the might of the Lord all the people cry Glory!

Worship Leader: The Lord sits enthroned as King forever over all creation

Congregation: The LORD gives strength to the people and blesses them with the ability to live in peace.

10w worship for May 30th, Night Stalker.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 30th, Night Stalker. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Your Love Wins by Andra Moran from the album Harmony Groove.  Use with permission you can find this and other gifts of music at www.convergencemp.com/artist/andra-moran.html



10w worship for May 23rd, What's That Sound.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 23rd, What's That Sound. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is The Church Song by the Jay Beech Band from the Album One Body Alive. Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at baytonemusic.com


7th Sunday after Easter John 17:6 -19

 As we are drawn

into the name

of God

with the same power

that created time

we are made one


Even with our wars

--designed in irony

--to solve conflict

we are one


Even with our hunger

in a world spending million

trying to look thin

we are one


Even in our jokes

rising from our inner fear

that point up our differences

we are one


With the power

that came to our world

to create

--and save

and to sustain we are one

Created in Your Name

Sanctified in Your Name

Sustained in Your Name


We are one

we thank you Lord

for the truth

that binds together

the many truths

--we have created

and that

We are One

Psalm 1

Worship Leader: Blessed are the ones who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand with sinners or sit in the seat of mockers, but rather whose delight is in the ways of the LORD. 

Congregation: Blessed are the ones who meditate on the way and the word of the Lord day and night for they are like trees planted by streams of water. 

Worship Leader: They yield their fruit in season and their leaves do not wither.  Whatever they do, the Lord is with them and they seem to prosper.

Congregation: It is not so with the wicked!  They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Worship Leader: Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

Congregation: For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the ways of the wicked will perish and they will see the errors of their ways. 

10w worship for May 16th, Walk the Talk.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 16th, Walk the Talk.  If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is We the Children of Light by the Jay Beech Band from the album One Body Alive. Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at baytonemusic.com

10w worship for May 16th, Fear Facing.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 16th, Fear Facing.  If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is Gift of Grace by Hans Peterson from the album Harvest of a Heart.    Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at Hanspetersonmusic.com


6th Sunday after Easter John 15:9-17

 In a small forgotten corner of the world

There came one small child


born of no one in particular

who lived the greater share of his life

unknown to the world


he began to tell others

----(one another)

of the love of their God

and how

--this love

which was known by all in this land

was not just

--a keep things as they are

kind of love

but a

--look what things are

----and could be

kind of love

that is hard for some to hear


but brings hope to others

the ones who had much to lose

begin to worry

as they heard the word of God

in a new way


and decided to stop

--this message of love from God

by stopping this one

who was showing them this love

and killing him

and they did

----(have loved)

but this one did not remain in death

and neither did God’s love

and the story spread

making more people uncomfortable


and others full of hope

Psalm 98

Worship Leader:  Let us raise our voices and sing to the LORD a new song, for all the marvelous things the Lord has done, for the Lord’s right hand and holy arm have brought about salvation.

People: The LORD has brought this message of salvation before all nations and all peoples remembering the love out of which all things and all people were made.

 Worship Leader:  Yes, truly all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God therefore let us shout for joy to the Lord over all the earth.

 People: Let us burst into jubilant song with all kinds of music from the people as we sing and shout for joy before the Lord our God.

 Worship Leader:  Let all of creation resound with songs of joy; let the sea and everything in it resound, let the world and all who live in it resound; let the rivers and mountains and all who live in them resound with clapping of hands and songs before the Lord our God.

 People: for the Lord comes as a just judge for all the earth and will look upon all peoples and all creation with righteousness and equity


10w worship for May 9th, NL, My Way.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 9th, NL, My Way.  If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Everybody’s Got Something to Offer  by Dakota Road from the album, All Are Welcome.    Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at dakotaroadmusic.com

10w worship for May 9th, Dirty Hands.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for May 9th, Dirty Hands.  If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Let Justice Roll from the album All Are Welcome by Dakota Road. You can find this song and many of their other gifts for worship at www.dakotaroadmusic.com      

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