
Luke 8: 26-39 Jesus heals a demon-possessed man

In this foreign land

Far across the lake

Where we find people of strange values

------ language

----------- ungodly ideas

We follow Jesus

And there encounter

As expected

One wild and filled with evil

As unexpected

And one loved by Jesus.

What have you to do with us


Son of the Most High God?

As we remember

Who do people say I am

Who do you say I am

the disciples

And you and I stand

Not understanding what has just happened

As the many descend in uncleanness

into the depths of the chaos waters

we stand with the disciples in jaw dropping fear

That God’s love might

Just might


Even across the pond to the other side

Where the people react

As we react,

In fear of our bottom line

What is in it for me

And how do I measure

Economic effect

The cost


While the disciples

You and I

Still stand jaw dropped

The new evangelist

Gets to work in the Kingdom

Which just became visible

As near.



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