
Luke 9:51-62

But first

But first just

But first just let me…

just let me find one more reason

I can’t do

that which I really need


                                             to do

one more reason to avoid


one more reason to know






one more reason to lay my life

in my hands

and still say I trust you

               with my words

Jesus simply said

               follow me

Opening Litany based on Psalm 16


Worship Leader: Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.

Congregation: We said to the LORD, “You are our Master! Every good thing we have comes from you.” The godly people in the land are our heroes and we take pleasure in them!

Worship Leader: Troubles seem to multiply for those who chase after other gods.

Congregation: We will not take part in their sacrifices or pretend to follow in their ways for the LORD alone is our inheritance, our cup of blessing.

Worship Leader: You guard all that is ours. The land you have given us is a pleasant land and a wonderful inheritance!

Congregation: We will bless the LORD who guides us; even at night our hearts instruct us to follow the ways of the Lord. Therefore we know the LORD is always with us and we will not be shaken, for the Lord is right beside us at all times.

Worship Leader: No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. I rest in safety knowing the Lord walks with us and will not leave us to the powers of death.

Congregation: The Lord will show us the way of life, granting us joy of living in the presence of the Lord forever.

10w worship for June 26th, But First.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for June 26th, But First. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Show the Way by Ed Kilbourne from the album Show The Way.  Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at www.edkilbourne.com



Luke 8: 26-39 Jesus heals a demon-possessed man

In this foreign land

Far across the lake

Where we find people of strange values

------ language

----------- ungodly ideas

We follow Jesus

And there encounter

As expected

One wild and filled with evil

As unexpected

And one loved by Jesus.

What have you to do with us


Son of the Most High God?

As we remember

Who do people say I am

Who do you say I am

the disciples

And you and I stand

Not understanding what has just happened

As the many descend in uncleanness

into the depths of the chaos waters

we stand with the disciples in jaw dropping fear

That God’s love might

Just might


Even across the pond to the other side

Where the people react

As we react,

In fear of our bottom line

What is in it for me

And how do I measure

Economic effect

The cost


While the disciples

You and I

Still stand jaw dropped

The new evangelist

Gets to work in the Kingdom

Which just became visible

As near.


Opening Litany based on Psalm 22

 Worship Leader:  I will declare your name to my people O Lord and in the assembly I will praise you. 

Congregation: Let all who live in awe of the LORD, praise the holy name of God. All the descendants of Jacob and Israel, all the peoples of the world Praise the Holy name of God! 

Worship Leader:  For the Lord has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted ones but has listened to their cry for help.

Congregation: From you O Lord comes the very essence of my praise in the great assembly before all who live in your grace I will fulfill my vows. 

Worship Leader:  The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the LORD will live forever in a life of praise. 

Congregation: All the ends of the earth will remember God’s loving grace and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before the Lord, who is ruler of all. 

Worship Leader:  All the blessed of the earth will feast and worship, All mortals will bow before the Lord of all creation. 

Congregation: We will use the blessings of this world to serve, so that all future generations will know of the righteousness the Lord has done. 


10w worship for June 19th, When Pigs Fly.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for June 19th, When Pigs Fly. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel. The song for the day is Be Not Afraid by John Michael Talbot from the album Table of Plenty.  Used with permission, you can find this and other gifts for ministry at johnmichaeltalbot.com



The Holy Trinity John 16:12-15

The Spirit comes silently into our hearts

bringing love

bringing life

and pointing to the one who brought us life

Jesus the Christ

The Living God

In our desires to be the center

and our desires to turn inward

wrapping ourselves up in ever smaller packages

fearing that if we are not the center

there will be no center

in our emptiness

longing to find that to which we can cling

The Spirit comes

and points to the Christ

the one who walked with us

the one who lived with us

the one who was us

and died like us

only to live and bring life

This is the one to whom the Spirit points



that we may know God’s love for us

and burst forth in new life

new creation

Psalm 8

 Pastor: You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have brought forth praise which silences the foe and the avenger and calls us to live as one.

Congregation: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what are we that you are mindful of us, who are we that you care for us? 

Pastor: You made humanity a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned us with glory and honor. You call us to lovingly care for the works of your hands and lay all that we have at Your feet O Lord.

Congregation: You call us to care for all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, and all that swims the paths of the seas. We will therefore lovingly care for this world you have created for us.

10w worship for June 12th, Breath.

The following is a 10 or more minute worship for June 12th, Breath. If you find this worship experience helpful, please share with friends and family. You can also find these audio worship services as well as Gospel poems and Opening Litanies on the Facebook page, "Lutheran Flannelboard or on Twitter #lutheranflannel.  The song for the day is Show The Way by Ed Kilbourne from the album The Grateful Ed.  Used with permission you can find this and other gifts for ministry at edkilbourne.com


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