
We are in God's image

Saturday October 22, Matthew 22: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." God cannot be bought off. You will not get to heaven by giving more, you will not go to hell for giving less. Failure to be generous however slowly turns our greed inward on ourselves. Living generously helps us participate in the work of a generous God, who gave his only son so that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Living cheap turns us in on ourselves and slowly eats away until nothing is left. What should you give to church? The Bible says 10%. For some that is not practical or fair, for others it only scratches the surface. Money has the image of the state on it. We have the image of God in us. We have to ask ourselves what God would have us do. If you have to ask the question, 10% of what, gross or net, you are most likely focused on what is the least you can get away with. How does that fit into the calling of a generous God?


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