
What would Jesus do with taxes?

Friday October 21, Matthew 22: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Taxes has become a bad word. Government has become a bad word. Both of those indicate just how selfish we have become. We don’t want to pay taxes because we feel it does not benefit us. That is true most of the time. Those who are trying to rebuild from Katirna are benefiting from the taxes you and I pay. The government is nothing more than an administrative extension of the collective “we”. At it’s best, it serves the best interest of all concerned and helps to provide an infrastructure that benefits everyone and helps those in need get the help they need to no longer be in need. At its worst, it uses self interests of a few to start wars, cut help for the needy to benefit the wealthy and offer no-bid contracts. If the government is to follow the teachings of Jesus it would offer sight to the blind as well as medical help to all in need, bring hope to the poor and help them get a leg up, and bring about the “year of the Lord” were there would be a great economic leveling of society. Instead what we see is more people without medical coverage, benefits cut for those who are most in need and tax cuts for those who have received the most benefit from the infrastructure already. We now have the greatest difference between the haves and the have nots in the history of our nation. This is in direct contrast to what Jesus calls us to do. We are still called to give to Caeser, but in a democracy we are also called to get involved so that Caeser acts in the best interest of the collective "we" rather than as a cash cow for the few.


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