
this "Little" light of mine

Thursday November 10th Matthew 5: 3"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. As a person gets up in years and looks back over their lives, they are sometime amazed at the times when God seemed most strong in their lives. They are often the times when things were not going so well. Does that mean that God does not want things to go well for us? Not at all. What it does mean is that when things are going well we often become so busy shining our own light, we forget that Christ is the light in our lives. Sometimes we even forget there is another light altogether. But the darkness in our lives is just an illusion. These are simply the times when our own light is either dim or almost out. These are also the times when we can look back and see that we truly are bathed in the light of Christ all the time. We just don’t see it all the time.


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