
All of humanity will pay attention.

Monday December 6th, Isaiah 11: All of humanity will pay attention. A mere breath of the Spirit of God will topple the wicked. Each morning the Spirit will work alongside the children of God to help build righteousness and faithfulness in the land. In this newness we will see things we have never seen before. The wolf will romp with the lamb, the leopard sleep with the kid, Calf and lion will eat from the same trough, and a little child will tend them. I just love the phrase “All of humanity will pay attention.” Peace, God’s plan for all of humanity will prevail because all of humanity will pay attention. The image of wolf and lamb together is the image of peace beyond even the innate desires within us because all humanity will pay attention. As we prepare for the coming of the Christ child, we look forward to the day when the spirit will blow over the land and Peace and Justice will prevail and all of humanity will pay attention. No more will our sons and daughters go fight wars and kill so a few can have the oil rights, the land rights, the power rights, the water rights, and the money that goes with it because all humanity will pay attention to the will of God. The babe whose birth we soon celebrate died at the hands of such power mongers and rose again to put an end to the influence such power has over us, real or perceived. We are called this Advent season to follow where the child will lead us, to God’s vision for our life, God’s vision for our land, God’s vision of and for our adversaries sharing the same trough in peace lead by the little child, Immanuel, God with us and all humanity will pay attention, and live.


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