
war profit

Tuesday December 3rd, Isaiah 2: all nations will turn their swords into shovels, their spears into hoes. No more will nation fight nation; nor will they play war anymore. Come all you people let us let's live in the light of God.  As we bring the message of Hope this first Advent, one of the things we hope for is a change from the ways the world deals with differences.  Throughout history the tendency has been for a little effort to be put toward peace for a while and then a lot of effort and money put toward war.  War makes more money for a few people even as it destroys the economy and lives for the many.  It is those few, with the right connections, along with the human tendency to seek profit at any cost to someone else, that fuels war.  War after war after war it is largely our children and the children of others that give their lives in battle so that a small number may maintain power and reap profits.  None of the justifications for war will mention it, but in the end it was profit and revenge that is the justification for war again and again and again.  What would happen if the nations put as much time, effort, GNP, labor and resources into building up, caring for, and innovation as they do for destruction and death?  Would not you be inclined to respond more favorably to someone who saved your children than to someone who killed them? Would not others, those we become convinced are our enemies, do the same?  Let us hope that at lease our grandchildren may live to be able to answer that question of what if.


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