test time
Thursday October 27th, Matthew 22: 34After Jesus had made the Sadducees look foolish, the Pharisees heard about it and got together.35One of them was an expert in the Jewish Law. So he tried to test Jesus. How do we try to test Jesus? Jesus I want a good parking spot!?! Jesus, help me pass this test I didn’t study for!?! Do we try to test Jesus by trying to get Jesus on our side by hook or by crook and prove that Jesus is opposed to those I am opposed to? Whether it is Herman Cain claiming Jesus was a conservative and was put to death by a liberal jury, or Rush claiming that sending troops to help put an end to the murderous Lords Army in Uganda is another example of President Obama being opposed to Christianity, the motive is the same. We test Jesus by trying to prove that Jesus is on our side as opposed to that other side over there.
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