
Opening Litany based on Psalm 116

Psalm 116

Pastor: I love the Lord because the Lord hears my voice, my cry’s, my prayers for mercy and bends down to listen. I will therefore pray as long as I have breath!

Congregation: Death wrapped its ropes around me and the terrors of the death overtook me. In the midst of this mess I saw only trouble and sorrow, but then I called on the name of the Lord: “Please, Lord, save me!”

Pastor: How kind and good the Lord is! So merciful, this God of ours!

Congregation: The Lord protects those like me, those of childlike faith, for I was facing death, and the Lord saved me. The Lord let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me and has saved me from death, tears, and stumbling.

Pastor: So let us walk in the Lord’s presence as we live here on earth!

Congregation: Because I believe in you O Lord, I will come before you and admit that there are times when I am deeply troubled and in my anxiety I cry out to you from the depths of my soul.

Pastor: What can we offer the Lord for all the Lord has done for us?

Congregation: We will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name, we will keep our promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people.

Pastor: The Lord cares deeply for the loved ones who suffer, O Lord, we are your servants, your children, for you have freed us from our chains.

Congregation: We will offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving, calling upon the name of the Lord and will fulfill our vows to the Lord in the presence of all people. Praise the Lord!!

Pastor: Welcome to Worship at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church.

Congregation: Where we are Inspired by God’s Love to Praise, Nurture and Serve and where we live out that mission when we Gather to Grow through God’s Grace.


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