
Jesus has already been there

Wednesday April 9th, Luke 24: 13 That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. 14 As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them. 16 But God kept them from recognizing him. In our walks in life, Jesus also comes and walks with us.  We do not often recognize him.  He usually looks like someone we know or someone we work with or someone we would rather not know.  Often there is something about this person that draws us to them however.  Sometimes it is a need on their part or our, or perhaps they are just someone to talk to.  Sometimes it is just being there that is enough.  Just the two of you, on the road or on the job or at the gym or school, walking and talking about nothing in particular, and yet you sense something is going on.  What is going on most likely is that Jesus has already been there and the other person is waiting for you to speak the words they have been longing to hear, some form of “the Kingdom is near.”  It might not be those exact words.   It might be so simple as, “do you want some cream for your coffee?” but you both know somehow it is about the kingdom, and you both wait for the conversation to open up.  Now is the time to mention grace, forgiveness, worship and invitation.  It is not up to you to talk the person into wanting to hear more about where you worship, Jesus has already been there and set the stage.  Showing up and announcing the kingdom is your job, however it happens.  What happens next is up to God.


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