
Only this lousy T-shirt

Tuesday February 17th 1 Corinthians 9: 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. The prize is not the gift of eternal life, that one is up to God and is a matter of grace. In trying for the prize that is already ours as a gift, eternal life, the prize most of us miss is the joy of the journey. We are all invited to enter the joy of the journey right here and right now. Live surrounded by the knowledge that salvation is yours. Live surrounded by the saints from races, colors, creeds, faiths, and orientations that God has placed before us. We are all invited to live our lives surrounded by the knowledge of the grace of God. We are all invited to live our lives immersed in God’s presence. We can always choose to skip life until the end and hope we can still hop on board. You might get a T-shirt, but you have missed the joy of running together with that great cloud of witnesses.


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