
Let the kid speak

Sunday July 27th, Romans 8: 26 in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Ever notice how whenever the pastor is around for some occasion, he or she is the one asked to pray. I believe that is because others think we have all the fancy words that will impress God and therefore get the job done. We have more practice, but then again, that may be a problem. Pastors are used to praying in public and therefore, knowingly or unknowlingly, tend to slip into a pattern. The early TV host, Art Linkletter created a whole genre of interviewing kids, which was accompanied with articles and books titled, “Kids say the darndest things." Most of the darned things they ended up saying was truth stripped of its public veneer. Most adults found it cute and quant, perhaps because that is what they would say without their public veneer. The next time there is a gathering where the pastor is present, don't ask him or her to pray, ask them instead to listen. Then ask the kid among you to pray, or someone new to the faith, or anyone other than the pastor, and listen. What you will most likely hear is the spirit speaking.


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