
I beleive in God and all that, but......

Monday July 21st, Isaiah 44: 8 Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one." You are my witnesses, not my Rottweiler’s. A recent poll shows that there are large numbers of God believers who are not church goers. I run into them often at weddings. After officiating at a wedding I usually go to the reception. Standing alone having a beer I will see a small group gathering off to the side talking and looking at me. Then one from that group come toward me as the group inches within earshot. The conversation goes something like this. Nice service yada yada yada….. I liked what you had to say yada yada…………. You know I believe in God and all that but…….. An then they will go on to describe all sorts of God stuff I don’t believe in either. In American civil religion, grace has taken a back seat to law and that 40 some percent that believe in God but are not connected to any worshiping community represent the casualties of our complacency.


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