
wanna be gods

Sunday July 20th, Isaiah 44: 6 "This is what the LORD says— Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Does that mean no other gods up in heaven or no other gods here on earth? All the words for god in all the languages and in all the religions speak of an idea of god or gods. Today I see little issue with the idol worship of other gods, up there so much as our dedication to power & stuff down here. There is no other God but God, means all the power & stuff is only that, power and stuff down here. Someday the plug will be pulled and the stuff we be of no further use, but God will still be God. It was easier when little wooden figurines were carried around and placed on altars. Now the other gods make up the possessions in our pockets, homes and garaged, bank accounts and dreams, and what makes it confusing is that everyone has stuff, but not all stuff are gods, just a fair share of it is. Therefore it is not a matter of worrying about someone else’s stuff, to them it may just be stuff, what we need to deal with is the godness of our stuff as well as the godness we see in other peoples stuff we are trying to control. All too often the do-gooders in our churches trying to control other peoples stuff are less controlled by less driven by altruism than by envy.


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