
No off-roading

Monday, May 30th: So don't turn away from the path I'm now commanding you to take. Don't worship other gods. No problem, sounds easy, can do. The next thing we know, we find ourselves knee deep, off-roading, and bogged down in desire. A little detour here and little detour there, and Bang, we have lots of other gods to contend with. Of all the other gods to contend with, the god of “ME” seems to be the most tenacious, that is because it can easily be hid behind the words in scripture and seem like the path that God has commanded us to take. It comes out as self-righteousness and was the main thing Jesus criticized in the Gospels. The Pharisees knew the laws and followed them to the letter and with a flair. They had a great “God and Me” thing going. In the process their righteousness became self-righteousness and left out the “us”, the family of God. Jesus taught us that remembering the Sabbath and keeping it holy was to serve human needs not Sabbath needs. The former is to serve the will of God, the latter is to use God as an excuse to being a butt.


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