
It’s not magic

Wednesday February 25th, Mark 1: 9 At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Why did Jesus have to be baptized by John? The question stems in part from our view of baptism. If baptism is seen as fire insurance to take away sins, then the question indeed is valid. If however it is seen as an ushering into a relationship with God and with one another, then Jesus’ baptism becomes the symbol of his ministry and a symbol of our ministry. Through the love and teachings of Christ, we are all called to view ourselves and one another as brothers and sisters in this world. Christ came to bring salvation to all, being baptized by John ushers him into our world just as our baptism ushers us into Christ’s world.  It’s not magic, it’s not rules, it’s not ritual, what it is, is relationship. 


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