
crosses of imperfection

Friday March 6th, Mark 8: 34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. We are called as the children of God to be aware of our cross that we are asked to carry, and to be aware of our brothers and sisters crosses as well. We are asked to carry these crosses not to feel somehow humble and therefore noble, but to carry them to help ourselves and others in this world.  We are asked to carry these crosses in the kingdom here and now. It is not shock to learn that this is not a perfect world. One of the greatest imperfections humans have is the pretense that we need to appear perfect to others. When we carry our imperfections, bathed in the insight we have from facing them and bathed in the forgiveness we receive through Christ for them, bathed in the light of Christ to guide our way, then these imperfections, these crosses can become the instruments through which others may receive blessings. Take up your cross today and follow Jesus. 


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