
Opening Litany based on Song of Solomon 2:8-13

Worship Leader: I hear the voice of the one I love. My lover comes from afar, running, jumping and skipping over the land like a gazelle.

Congregation: We remember falling in love, the thrill, the heart pounding anxiety, the joy.

Worship Leader: The one I love, I can see them now, looking at me at every chance.

Congregation: We remember the way our lover looked at us and said, let us go away together, my darling, my loved one.

Worship Leader: There is newness in the air, the darkness of winter and the dreary of spring have given way to the joy of new life.

Congregation; We remember falling in love, we felt like singing, the skies were filled with song.

Worship Leader: the joy of newness is in the air, the smell of sweetness fills my lungs. I remember the joy of falling in love and know that in this way, my Lord loves me.

Congregation: We remember falling in love and we remember the call to follow the one who first loved us.


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