
Kingdom life

Thursday May 6th, Revelation 21: 6 He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. Christ is the beginning and the end. Creation was for the glory of God and in the end Creation will once again be for the Glory of God. For this brief moment called life, both our own lives and the life of all creation, we are given a chance to catch just a glimpse of, and participate in, God’s unfolding promise to mend the entire universe. (Check out “Manna and Mercy” by Daniel Erlander for a delightful rendition of this unfolding promise. www.danielerlander.com) This life is a gift to us to help us grasp the glory of God in this world and participate in the promise. Christians aren’t any better than anyone else, they just have some half-baked idea who to thank. This gift of life given to us is a call to give to those who thirst a drink without cost from the water of life, and in the process glimpse a bit more of that gift of life ourselves. We know the beginning, we know the ending and our lives are the pages in-between. How do you want your page to read? How do you participate in the Kingdom life now?


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