
Bringing Compassion to the Middle East by Karen Armstrong

It has long been clear to me that unless we learn to apply the Golden Rule globally, treating all nations, all peoples, without exception as we would wish to be treated ourselves, taking their aspirations and difficulties as seriously as we take our own, we are unlikely to have a viable world to hand on to the next generation.

In Sharjah, I met this next generation. It was quite clear that I was talking to some of the future leaders of the Middle East. At both universities, the students were bright, articulate, confident, and asked some of the most intelligent and searching questions I have heard from students anywhere. They understand the global vision of the Charter, not only because University City is an international community, but because many of the students also take part in a project called Global Vision. The project brings students to work in impoverished regions in East Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. They return to their studies with new insight about the problems and pain of the world. Both universities see adopting the Charter as a step toward building a more compassionate world, and have committed to promoting it.

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Charter for Compassion Web site


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