

Thursday December 24th, Luke 1: 52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. In doing so, both the rulers and the humble are helped to see they are brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God. That information may not be welcomed equally. In this world, where the gap between rich and poor, power and powerlessness grows greater and greater with each passing year, and the continuation of the Reagan tax cuts through stimulus packages help insure this trend. God has a different plan. As business after business gets bought out or plowed under by larger corporations, we hope in the promise that the proud will indeed be scattered. As the Wal-Mart’s of the world wipe out the family businesses in town after town, we hope in the promise that the proud will indeed be scattered. As the powerful shut down single payer healthcare for all and start wars to line the pockets of the businesses that support and maintain their power, while our children are dying to maintain that power, while their children wallow in its riches, we hope in the promise that the proud will indeed be scattered and the rulers brought down from their thrones. But most of all we hope that someday, we will all live as the children of God, brothers and sisters with one another, each doing our part to make this world better for the other.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your writing is wonderful and powerful and I am always moved by it...But your understanding of history and monetary policy..well they leave a great deal to be understood...good luck with that...once again I can tell you have a beautiful soul...

6:48 PM  

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