

Saturday December 12th Luke 3: 5 Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. 6 And all mankind will see God's salvation.' "When we fix for roads to our hearts with prayer, our lives take on a new look. It is that “God dwelling in our hearts” look and it causes others to sit up and take notice. You will never see the others looking, but they are, and when prayer has fixed the road, they will notice something. You will become a beacon of God’s grace. If what they see is you tootin’ your own horn, all they will see is a harsh glare. If what they see is a reflection of God’s luminescent love, then they see hope. That is how all humankind will see God’ salvation, it’s that luminescent love of God, not some made up, pumped up, tongue speaking imitation, but God’s luminescent love flowing through you they seek. It is what God seeks also.


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