Luther’s Small Catechism
You shall have no other gods.What does this mean for us?
We are to fear, love and trust God above all things. (Exodus 32)
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we do not curse, swear, practice magic, lie, or deceive using God’s name, but instead use that very name in every time of need to call on, pray to, and give thanks to God. (Leviticus 24:10-16)
Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holyWhat does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God, so that we do not despise God's Word or preaching, but instead keep that Word holy and gladly hear and learn it. (Luke 10:38-42)
Honor your father and your mother.What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God, so that we neither despise nor anger our parents and others in authority, but instead honor, serve, obey, love and respect them. (Luke 2:41-2)
You shall not murder.
What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs. (Genesis 4:1-16)
You shall not commit adultery.What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that lead pure and decent lives in word and deed, and each of us loves and honors his or her spouse. (2 Samuel 11)
You shall not steal.
What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we neither take our neighbor's money or property, nor cheat them by using shoddy merchandise or crooked deals to obtain it for ourselves, but instead help them to improve and protect their property and income. (Joshua 7:1)
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbors, betray or slander them, or destroy their reputations. Instead we are to come to their defense, speak well of them, and interpret everything they do in the best possible light. (Luke 22:54-62)
You shall not covet your neighbor's house.
What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we do not try to trick our neighbors out of their inheritance or property or try to get it for ourselves by claiming to have a legal right to it and the like, but instead be of help and service to them in keeping what is theirs.
You shall not covet your neighbor's spouse or male or female slave, or ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.What does this mean for us?
We are to fear and love God so that we do not entice, force, or steal away from our neighbors their spouses, workers, or livestock, but instead urge them to stay and remain loyal to our neighbors.
The First Article
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
What does this mean?
Answer: I believe that God has created me and all that exists. God has given me and still preserves my body and soul with all their powers. God provides me with food and clothing, home and family, daily work, and all I need from day to day. God also protects me in time of danger and guards me from every evil. All this God does out of fatherly and divine goodness and mercy, though I do not deserve it. Therefore I surely ought to thank and praise, serve and obey God. This is most certainly true.
The Second Article
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
What does this mean?
Answer: I believe that Jesus Christ—true God, Son of the Father from eternity, and true man, born of the Virgin Mary—is my Lord. At great cost he has saved and redeemed me, a lost and condemned person. Jesus has freed me from sin, death, and the power of the devil—not with silver or gold, but with his precious blood and with his innocent suffering and death. All this Christ has done that I may be his own, live under him in his kingdom, and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as Christ is risen from the dead and lives and rules eternally. This is most certainly true.
The Third Article
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
What does this mean?
Answer: I believe that I cannot by my own understanding or effort believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith. In the same way, the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it united with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian church day after day the Holy Spirit fully forgives my sins and the sins of all believers. On the last day the Holy Spirit will raise me and all the dead and give me and all believers in Christ eternal life. This is most certainly true.
Our Father who art in heaven.
What does this mean?Here God encourages us to believe that God is truly our Father and we are God's children. We therefore are to pray to God with complete confidence just as children speak to their loving father.
Hallowed be thy name.
What does this mean?God's name certainly holy in itself, but we ask in this prayer that we may keep it holy.
When does this happen?God's name is hallowed whenever God's Word is taught in its truth and purity and we as children of God live in harmony with it. Help us to do this heavenly Father! But anyone who teaches or lives contrary to the Word of God dishonors God's name among us. Keep us from doing this, heavenly Father!
Thy kingdom come.
What does this mean?
God's kingdom comes indeed without our praying for it, but we ask in this prayer that it may come also to us. When does this happen?God's kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us the Holy Spirit, so that by God's grace we believe God's holy Word and live a godly life on earth now and in heaven forever.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
What does this mean?
The good and gracious will of God is surely done without our prayer, but we ask in this prayer that it may be done also among us.When does this happen?God's will is done when God hinders and defeats every evil scheme and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful self, which would prevent us from keeping God's name holy and would oppose the coming of God's kingdom. And God's will is done when God strengthens our faith and keeps us firm in God's Word as long as we live.This is God's gracious good will.
Give us this day our daily bread.
What does this mean?
God gives daily bread, even without prayer, to all people, though sinful, but we ask in this prayer that God will help us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanks.What is meant by "daily bread"?Daily bread includes everything needed for this life, such as food and clothing, home and property, work and income, a devoted family, an orderly community, good government, favorable weather, peace and health, a good name, and true friends and neighbors.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
What does this mean?
We ask in this prayer that our Father in heaven would not hold our sins against us and because of them refuse to hear our prayer.And we pray that God would give us everything by grace, for we sin every day and deserve nothing but punishment. So we on our part will heartily forgive and gladly do good to those who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation.
What does this mean?
God tempts no one to sin, but we ask in this prayer that God would watch over us and keep us so that the devil, the world, and our sinful self may not deceive us and draw us into false belief, despair, and other great and shameful sins.And we pray that even though we are so tempted we may still win the final victory.
But deliver us from evil.
What does this mean?
We ask in this inclusive prayer that our heavenly Father would save us from every evil to body and soul, and at our last hour would mercifully take us from the troubles of this world to heaven.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
What does "Amen" mean?
Amen means Yes, it shall be so.We say Amen because we are certain that such petitions are pleasing to God in heaven and are heard by God.For God has commanded us to pray in this way and has promised to hear us.
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