
Boats, Cars, Kitchens and baths

Monday March 26th, Philippians 3: 10-11 Give up all that inferior stuff and learn to know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself. Christ is not after all that groveling and poor me stuff. When God created all that exist, God said it was good. That pronouncement of good was as much a part of creation as was the sea and stars and the land we walk upon. God pronounced it good and you can count on that. All that inferior stuff we tend to hoard in our lives is just a form of security because we can’t quite convince ourselves that the goodness of God is for us also. If you can’t throw away that security blanket of stuff, at least recognize it for what it is. More time with God and less time on the boats, cars, kitchens and baths will make those boats, cars, kitchens and baths more enjoyable. Using them for the work of the kingdom is even better.


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