
Question: Are we still expected to tithe 10% and 10% of what? Gross? Take home?

The scriptures use the term “tithe” or a tenth when they talk about giving. In the early church a tenth was the norm of what was expected. We also have to remember that at that time the government was not as involved in providing for the economic needs of the poor as it is today. So from my perspective the simple answer to the question of a tithe of what, should be answered, a tithe of take home take home pay.

Another question that comes to mind is what about other giving? It is important for persons to live generous lives. There are many ministries in the world that are not associated with one particular church and yet their contributions to the children of God are very valuable in many ways. Thoughts come to mind of programs in cancer research and programs like “the United Way”, as well as others. As the children of God we should also remember these organizations and the good they do in the world, but in the process, don’t forget the work of the church. Your giving should balance the passions in your life and reflect the love God has toward you and your loved ones.

What if that giving puts an individual or family in a difficult financial position? The giving of ones offering should never put an individual or family in a difficult financial position. I would like you to look at the word “tithe” as a growing or stretching word. For some, giving a tenth of their income would be a burden that would put a strain on the basic necessities of life. For many others, a tenth would only put a small dent in the perks of life. When you look at giving, you should look at growing, at taking stock not only of where you are, but where you wish to grow.

So how do we do this? It is the time of year when we either are, or will soon be, involved in doing our taxes. This, therefore, is also the time of year to consider your level of giving to the ministries you are involved in. Look at your after tax income and compare it to all of your charitable giving. Determine what percentage of your income your current giving is. Then figure what it would mean to you if you were to increase the percentage of your income you give by 1%? What would it mean if you increased your giving by 2%? What would it mean to the ministrys of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church to receive this increased giving? Most individuals and families when looking at what it means to be faithful and generous children of God, find the method of increasing their giving by 1% to 2% a year is a good way to grow into what is a comfortable stretch. So whether you find your level of giving at 2% or 22%, enter into the process with prayer. Determine where you are and then consider what it would mean to you and to the ministries you are passionate about if you were to grow in your giving. And don’t forget to surround it all with prayer.


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