
What Shall I do??

Monday September 26th, Ezekiel 18: Children won't suffer for the sins of their parents, and parents won't suffer for the sins of their children. Good people will be rewarded for what they do, and evil people will be punished for what they do. Unfortunately, good people and evil people are one in the same most of the time. Luther said that we are simultaneously saint and sinner. God’s message is that you are not saint or sinner because of what someone else did or did not do, the sinner part is all up to you. The saint part is all up to God. No matter how bad the sinner part, God can make it a saint part, if we are willing to let God do that. Most of the time we are not so willing, God works with us then also. So here I am, free from sin every day if I choose. What shall I do as a saint today? What will you do?


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