
Christ died for all, or we are all doomed

Wednesday July 6th, Romans 12: For no one can ever be made right in God's sight by doing what his law commands. For the more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't obeying it. For all our bad choices as the children of God, we live in the midst of forgiveness. We are loved by God and therefore saved by God. We are forgiven because God loves us and called to live out our lives as forgiven people, which we do not do so well and therefore need continual forgiveness. God forgives others the same way we are forgiven. There is no one beyond the forgiveness of Christ. We are not the ones in charge of who Christ forgives anymore than one child in a family getting to choose whether the other children get to eat or not. How about those who have not heard, Christ died for them also. How about those who have heard and still follow other non-Christian religions, Christ died for them also. Forgiveness is a gift. If it were anything else, we would all be doomed.


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