
Thank God today

Saturday April 11th, Mark 16: 7 Go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' “Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. Mark is the earliest Gospel and some say the closest to reality.  The last line in the Gospel tells us they were afraid and didn't tell anyone.  I like that because it seems closer to where I would be in this story.  Christ knows that even with the fear not, we will still have fear.  It is interesting to note that Christ was going on ahead of them to Galilee. It is almost as if he knows what is really going to happen.   As we timidly step out as a Christian in this world, remember Christ has gone on before you to prepare the way.  Just as Christ used the woman at the well in Samaria as the first evangelists, here, the women at the tomb are the first post-resurrection evangelists.  The importance is not in their evangelistic expertise, it is in the story and the presence of Jesus.  Their task is not without fear in a world that will most likely reject them but in the presence of the risen Christ with them.  Christ has gone on ahead of you to break the new ground.  Thank God today that the way has been prepared and ask for the strength to go forward into the world and life Christ has prepared for you.  


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