rather forgive than coax
Saturday November 22nd,
Matthew 25: 24 “Then the servant with the
one bag of silver came and said, ‘Master, I knew you were a harsh man,
harvesting crops you didn’t plant and gathering crops you didn’t cultivate. 25 I was afraid I would lose
your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money back.’ Luther said to sin
boldly, but rejoice more boldly still. The gifts God gives you cannot be
broken, but they can be misused. As a matter of fact, they are probably misused
most of the time. But it is not misuse that is the problem, it is lack of use.
So, love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as
yourself, in whatever way your God given talent leads you. And if you make a
mistake along the way, get up, dust off your knees, laugh and continue on your
way. Making mistakes is much better than
erring on the side of caution. In fact, please make mistakes, lots of
them. At least it shows you are
trying. In the kingdom, it is much better
to screw up trying than to really screw up by not trying. Jesus would much rather
forgive than coax.
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