Monday July 14th, Isaiah 55: 12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. What a vision, the trees and all of creation singing and dancing and clapping their hands. My wife bought a new chair and ottoman several years ago and I love it. Somehow to me it looks like something from a Disney movie that should start singing and dancing any moment. We hear that the whole world groans for the time of reconciliation with God, somehow I think that may even include my favorite chair. If all that is comes from God, and God called all creation good, we have little choice but to celebrate the love of God in this world. We might be able to stint it for a while, but we can never stop it, so we might as well sing and dance along with it. Life in Christ, isn’t it grand?!?! Join the dance.
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