
doubt vs. fear

Thursday August 15th, Luke 12: 32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.  Don’t be afraid, fear not, common precursors to Holy announcements or Holy visits.  It is fear that keeps us from seeing the kingdom among us.  It is fear that allows us to separate ourselves into different factions and groups and decide theories and formulas for just and unjust wars and jihads.  It is fear that keeps us from fully trusting in God.  It is fear that prompts the passing of stand your ground laws and the buying up and hoarding of guns and ammunition.  It is fear that prompts us into thinking we need to run the show a bit more ourselves in spite of what our faith tells us.  It is fear that keeps us from reaching out boldly and truly living as the children of God in this world.  It is fear, not doubt, which is the opposite of faith.  Doubt is the ants in the pants of faith and keeps it up and moving.  Fear however keeps us all curled up in to a self-protective ball with our eyes and hearts closed, unable to see the kingdom of God that surrounds us.  Into the is world, the message of God comes, Don’t be afraid little flock, for the Father is, and has been, pleased to give you the kingdom.


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