
community and creator

Sunday January 27th, Psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  The story of creation is a story of the beginning of a relationship.  We were created from the dust of the ground, and created in relationship to the Creation from which we were formed and the creator who formed us.  We were created in the likeness of God with the breath of life, the Spirit within us and as such we are created in and for a relationship with the Creator, Creation and Creature or one another.  Eve, known as the mother of all was created from the earthman Adam, from there grew community and as such we are related one to another in Community.  We live, breath, and find our being in this three-way relationship, with Creation, with Community and with the Creator.  As the heavens, part of God’s creation, declare the glory of God, so too, we are called to declare the glory of God, it is what gives life meaning by connecting our lives to the original intent of creation, to be in relationship with one another, God and the rest of creation.  It also calls into question how we treat those same heavens with which we are to join in glorifying our Creator.  As we continue to play games trying to deny both the problems and solutions to the effects of climate change, we are sinning against not only Creation, but also Community and the Creator. Now that you have been created in a loving relationship, how are you going to show the manifestation of that relationship back to this gift of God we call creation?  


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