

Saturday January 5th, Luke 2:  49 "Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. Moving religion from an external to an internal thing, takes more than just telling your children, it takes showing them.  This new year, show them that it is never too late to internalize that gracious gift of God’s grace into your lives.  Give yourselves and your children the gift of knowing God’s grace right down in depths of your toes.  Why are your searching for me, where else would I be?  God is present in the world and in all parts of the world.  The clumsy statements by some following the Sandy Hook shooting that God was not in the school because we have systematically banned God from the schools is some of the worst theological thinking I have seen.  There is nothing we can do to ban God from anywhere in life.  God is in our lives in our houses of worship, in our places of work, in our hospitals and psych wards and with the homeless on the streets.  God is already there and waiting for us to show up and “Be” a part of the “Family of God” in this place by bringing the love of God into the world in what we say and more importantly, in what we do.


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