
super-size with no regret

Wednesday August 22nd, Ephesians 5:  18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.  Ever since the garden experience in Eden we have been trying to fill that emptiness inside with something we ingest. Whether it be the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, rotgut whiskey, super-sized fast food or finely aged Pinot, we try to get back to that connected garden feeling.  In our search for something to make us feel whole we go down many a destructive path. The only ingesting that works is ingesting the word of God.  Remember the food pyramid, starting with sweets and fats with one serving and working its way down to 6 or more servings of grains?  The bottom or base of that pyramid is often missing. The foundation is the one that says that a healthy diet, one that will fill you up and take away those hunger pains, is to add 8 or more helpings of prayer and scripture reading every day.  If you want you can super-size that without negative consequences.  


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