1st Sunday after Christmas Luke 2:25-40
So long I have waited
So long
Waiting for the promised one of Abraham
To come into the world
And free the people
----free them
to be what they are called to be
from the beginning of time
called to be in the image of God
----male and female created
----and set to have dominion
--------over all the earth
------------to love what God had given them
I have waited
----as has all of Israel
--------until now
for the one who was promised
----for the one who would set the promise of God
--------in motion once again
------------and for all
Thanks be to God for this one
----this child from Nazareth
innocent in his eighth day
knowing only the comfort of his mothers breast
----and the faint confusion of the world around him
----dim to his ears
--------that are yet to define
--------the world he came to heal
Bless this child
------------and give thanks to God
all who are looking for the
----Love of God
--------come t us
and now lettest thou they servants
----who have waited so long
--------depart in peace
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