
Instead of careful, you need to be care-filled.

Wednesday December 7th 2 Peter 3: 14 So, my dear friends, since this is what you have to look forward to, do your very best to be found living at your best, in purity and peace. 15 Interpret our Master's patient restraint for what it is: salvation. What God is interested in and predestined for, is the salvation of humanity. The sending of Jesus, the cross, the waiting for us to get our act together and live in peace as the children of God, this is all part of God’s desire to save all of humanity through grace. All those end time prophecies are just trying to throw you off your game. If all that God talk in the world doesn’t fit into loving God and loving others it is just a distraction. Instead of living trying to get your life right before God, live your lives as the saved and blessed children of God. You will still make mistakes, lots of them, but the message of the angels to those awaiting the coming of the Messiah were, fear not. Along the way it may require a bit of what Luther referred to as Sin Boldly, but Rejoice more Boldly still. It is better to mess up trying to live as a child of God in this world and having to seek forgiveness than it is to not mess up because you are being too careful. Instead of careful, you need to be care-filled.


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