more than sand castles
Tuesday May 24th, 1 Peter 2: 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. A good nurturing foundation is a gift that continues for the whole of one’s life. Too often the curse of living in an affluent society is that there are so many choices for our children we tend to skip the foundational nourishment and go right for the sugar. With a foundation of love and acceptance children grow to know God as love and acceptance. Are children a part of the worship service? Are children welcomed at communion? One of the best gifts in our congregation is families serving communion together. Young children may not be handling the common cup but they can carry the tray to pick up the empty cups. The most important gift is the understanding that they are included, that God loves them. Do they understand communion, sure, most of the time there is a big smile on their face as they reach out to accept the bread. That smile tells me they know they are included and are an important part of the family of God. So for proper nutrition churches need to include the children in all aspects of worship. Families, are you so busy with soccer, sports, fishing and fun that you can’t quite bring the children to worship? God has given you a gift in your children, what are you doing for them that is important. Without a foundation any building, no matter how fancy, will fall. Your children deserve more than sand castles.
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