
It is about the goodness of God being gooder than all the bad in the world

Wednesday April 27th, Acts 10: He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." Jesus comes as the one promised from of old. All the prophets testified to the love of God coming into the world. Now in this person of Christ, the love is manifest and lives among us, then and now. What of those who don't believe? What of those who may use another name or may not recognize Jesus as the Messiah? If grace is the order of the day and grace is the message of Christ, then it is not dependent upon belief to be manifest in the world or even to be manifest in the unbeliever’s life. It is about Christ, not humanity. It is about the goodness of God being gooder than all the bad in the world. Our job is to preach the "good" news. Sometimes the church gets that mixed up with judging or claiming exclusive rights to the love of God. For that we apologize, it just goes to show how much more work there is to do to manifest the love of God and the vastness of God's grace in this world.


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