Department of Labor seen as being too Labor friendly, at first one might think this is an "Onion" but it is not.
This Sunday we look at the woman at the well. Over the years the general interpretation has lead one to believe that her situation of having 5 husbands was the result of her behavior rather than it being the result of her victimization. There is a tendency to do that, to support systems that create victims and them blame the victim for being in their victimized situation, somehow believing that were we to be in a similar situation we would somehow rise above it.
There has been a greater push to blame the victim of late. The victims being those who work for a living. The irony is that this push is coming from those elected by the TEA Party and the victims are largely those who make up the tea party, but are still drinking the kool aid and believing the rhetoric that it is those others who work for a living who are the problem, ie, the Labor Unions. Sometimes the ridiculous floats to the surface where it can more easily be seen. The following is such a case.
WASHINGTON -- Governor Paul LePage (R-Maine) has sparked a fresh battle with the state's union community, ordering a mural at the Department of Labor (DOL) taken down on the grounds that the image is biased against business owners.
On Tuesday, Maine DOL Acting Commissioner Laura Boyett sent out an e-mail saying that after some complaints from businesses, the mural would be removed. Additionally, the state would be renaming eight conference rooms, many of which commemorate former labor leaders and one honoring the first female U.S. Cabinet secretary.
"We have received feedback that the administration building is not perceived as equally receptive to both businesses and workers -- primarily because of the nature of the mural in the lobby and the names of our conference rooms," wrote Boyett in the e-mail, posted by Maine blog Dirigo Blue. "Whether or not the perception is valid is not really at issue and therefore, not open to debate. If either of our two constituencies perceives that they are not welcome in our administration building and this translates to a belief that their needs will not be heard or met by this department, then it presents a barrier to achieving our mission."
Perhaps the problem is that they no longer want to be the department of "Labor" but the Department business yes men.
click for full article and pictures of the mural
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