
Opening Litany based on Psalm 27

Pastor: The LORD is my light, my salvation, the stronghold of my life; I shall not live in fear.

Congregation: When evil surrounds me, when others work against me, when the evil one sets out to devour me, I will not live in fear but will be surrounded by the confidence that comes from being a child of God.

Pastor: There is but one thing I ask from the Lord my God, that I may dwell in the presence of the Lord forever.

Congregation: There I will live in the presence of the beauty of the Lord day and night and know that in times of trouble the Lord will shelter me set my life upon solid ground.

Pastor: Then in times of trouble I will lift my head up high.

Congregation: I will serve the Lord with shouts of Joy. My life will be filled with singing and music for the joy of the Lord.

Pastor: I know the Lord will hear my voice and forever bring mercy into my life and my heart; I in return will constantly seek the face of the Lord in all I do.

Congregation: I will live my life confidence knowing you will never turn from me or forsake me, but will always be my savior, my Lord and my God.


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