Opening Litany for Psalm 147:12-20
Pastor: Exult the LORD all you who gather this day and Praise your God on high.
Congregation; For the Lord brings security and blesses the people within your community and grants them peace.
Pastor: The Lord satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
Congregation: When the Lord speaks a command to the earth, those words run swiftly. They spread the snow like fine wool and scatter the frost like ashes.
Pastor: Who can withstand the sound of the Lord’s voice which can be like an icy blast hurling down hail like pebbles from the sky?
Congregation: And yet the word of the Lord brings grace and melts these icy blasts, the word of the Lord stirs up the breezes and melts the coldness in land and hearts letting the waters of life flow.
Pastor: The word of the Lord has been revealed to all people, the Lord’s laws and justice to all nations.
Congregation: The Lord has called us among the peoples of the earth to bring forth the laws and the justice of the Lord. Praise be to God forever, Amen.
Pastor: Welcome to Worship at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Congregation: Where we are Inspired by God’s Love to Praise, Nurture and Serve.
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