
shoot adrenaline

Wednesday August 18th, Hebrews 12: When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! There is a human tendency to tame the Gospel, at least for our lives. That was the temptation Jesus was faced with in the wilderness. Turn these stones into bread, jump down from this high tower, give them a circus and bread and they will gladly pay lip service to you is the way the tempter put it to Jesus. The temptation is there for us also. Give me a worship experience that is entertaining and short and filled with feel good phrases. The Gospel basically boils down to Love God and Love Others, it sounds so simple but try doing it and you just might find yourself on the outs with more than just a few of your friends. The devil is in the details tis true. But sometimes the temptation is to avoid the details and just feel good. It is one thing to cry with the prophets of old to let justice roll down like an ever flowing stream, it is quite another to design the irrigation system.


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