
"Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin" And Other Modern-Day Heresies

Another excellent article by Rev. Cheng. click on the title above or the link below for the whole article

Christians who "hate" LGBT sexualities and gender expressions while allegedly "loving" LGBT people are nothing more than modern-day gnostics. It is simply not possible to divorce one's sexuality or gender expression -- LGBT or otherwise -- from one's spiritual self, particularly if such sexualities and gender expressions are rooted in the love of God, the love of the other, and the love of the self.

Those of us who walk the Christian path should reject the modern-day heresy of "love the sinner, hate the sin," especially when it comes to LGBT people. Instead, we should focus on the two great commandments of (1) loving God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds, and (2) loving our neighbors as ourselves (see Matt. 22:37-40). Nothing more and nothing less. We should spend far less time worrying about how to make others repent, and far more time worrying about our own repentance, or metanoia. If we truly believe in a gospel of grace as opposed to a cult of works-righteousness, then we should believe that God -- and not humans -- will take care of the rest.

Read the full article by Rev. Cheng


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