
the fall of ACORN, what happens when Christian values confront big business

ACORN has come under lots of fire in the news and in the hallowed floors of congress of late. Some of its members have done things that are clearly wrong, such as advocating for ways for a prostitute to avoid paying taxes. This has been brought to our attention by Sen. Vitter who himself had more than a little prostitute trouble. But the big sin of ACORN seems to be advocating for the poor which is a thorn in the side of big business which has managed to get laws passed allowing them to avoid paying taxes by moving their headquarters off shore to the Cayman Islands. ACORN was in the sights of Karl Rove for voter registration and advocating for higher minimum wage and is at the center of the politicization of the justice department scandal (http://afjjusticewatch.blogspot.com/2009/08/politicization-of-justice-karl-rove-us.html) Don’t get me wrong, what some in ACORN did was wrong and the issue needs to be addressed. The question is whether the whole organization, which has done so much good for the poor in our country should be defunded (http://grayson.house.gov/2009/09/defund-the-crooks.shtml)

The following from Wikipedia gives a short description of ACORN

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is a collection of community-based organizations in the United States that advocate for low- and moderate-income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registration, health care, affordable housing, and other social issues. ACORN has over 400,000 members and more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters[1] in over 100 cities across the U.S.,[2] as well as in Argentina, Canada, Mexico, and Peru. ACORN was founded in 1970 by Wade Rathke and Gary Delgado.[3] Maude Hurd has been National President of ACORN since 1990.

ACORN's priorities have included: better housing and wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, better public schools, and other social justice issues. ACORN pursues these goals through demonstration, negotiation, lobbying for legislation, and voter participation.[4] ACORN comprises a number of legally distinct non-profit entities including a nationwide umbrella organization established as a 501(c)(4) that performs lobbying; local chapters established as 501(c)(3) nonpartisan charities; and the ACORN Housing Corporation. These entities champion liberal and labor-oriented causes.

One of the main information sources against ACORN has been the web site Rotten Acorn which is run by Richard Berman. A web site called Berman Exposed lists several other organizations and ideas in which Berman feels the public need education.

  • ActivistCash is a project of The center for Consumer Freedom that profiles activists and organizations who provide funding for anti-big business initiatives.
  • FishScam is a Center for Consumer Freedom project funded by the food-and-beverage industry seeking to counter scientific evidence on the dangers of mercury levels in fish.
  • American Beverage Institute is a trade association representing the interests of the alcohol and restaurant industries, which fights against restrictions on alcohol consumption.
  • The Center for Consumer Freedom is a pro-food-and-beverage industry front group that attacks anyone who criticizes smoking, fast food or alcohol.
  • CSPIscam is dedicated solely to criticizing The Center for Science in the Public Interest.
  • Mecuryfacts is a Center for Consumer Freedom project funded by the food-and-beverage industry seeking to counter scientific evidence on the dangers of mercury levels in fish.
  • SunlightScam represents indoor tanning manufacturers, distributors, and facility owners. It claims tanning is not dangerous in any way.
These are just of few of the many adventures of Berman and Company besides ACORN.

As Christians we are called to advocate for the least, lost and lonely among us, Matthew 25 being one of many examples of that call. What some in ACORN did was wrong. What the vast majority in ACORN did was nothing more than what all Christians are called to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But the big sin of ACORN seems to be advocating for the poor"

Surely, you jest, Pastor Dan. It is doubtful that there is any legitimate advocating for the poor being done by ACORN, except through very expensive government grants.

"What the vast majority in ACORN did was nothing more than what all Christians are called to do." Christians are called to avoid doing what is being done by ACORN. Did you truly attend a Lutheran seminary? [Uffdah!]

3:42 PM  

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