
17th Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 9:38-50

Each and every snowflake

that falls from heaven

is alike

with six sides

and a crystal structure

that reflects just so

the joy and perfection of the Creator

who created this beauty

in our world

And yet

no one snowflake

is like any other one snowflake

that falls into our world

in beauty

that reflects just so

the joy and perfection of the Creator

shining through

its own uniqueness

(be at peace)

For one snowflake to say

to another

be gone

you are not of the same cloud

or shape

(with one another)

would be to admit

that the sun does not shine

through each crystal

(be at peace)

reflecting the same


For one snowflake to say

to another

(with one another)

you are not of the same water

would be to say that water

is not water

For a snowflake to say

(be at peace)

the beauty of the Creator

shines uniquely in you

(with one another)

is to see God


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