Monbiot's royal flush: Top 10 climate change deniers
Genesis 2: 15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
but sometimes you just want to play god and forget about caring for creation, it is our way of saying to hell with God and the grandkids, I want mine now!!!!!
My shortlist of people who have done most for the denialist cause - in playing card form
With the Heartland Institute's annual jamboree for climate deniers in full swing in New York here's my shortlist of people who have done most for the denialist cause - in playing card form.
With the Heartland Institute's annual jamboree for climate deniers in full swing in New York here's my shortlist of people who have done most for the denialist cause - in playing card form.

Our Own Sarah made the list:
An Alaskan denying climate change is like a Saudi Arabian denying sand. But can she do it? You betcha. The eagle-eyed governor can – or so the satirists claim- see Russia from her house, but apparently not the melting permafrost, shrinking glaciers and disappearing sea ice closer to home.
During her vice-presidential campaign, she embarrassed John McCain by maintaining: "I'm not one though who would attribute it [climate change] to being manmade." She has refused to classify the polar bear as an endangered species on the grounds that the sea ice is here to stay, but is making plans for opening up the Arctic Sea to oil drilling, on the grounds that the ice is due to disappear. Could her ambivalence towards climate change have anything to do with the fact that Alaska is a major oil state? You betcha.
You can see the whole deck at:
This blog is so anti anything conservative, it's little wonder the Lutheran faith is dying, based on this pastor's ramblings...
that is what happens when you follow the Gospel, to outslders it seems not quite conservative. What can I say, it appears that Jesus was a liberal in so many ways.....
Pastor Dan
To a life-long Lutheran, seems to me that Jesus was conservative in many ways.
Interesting that some Lutheran pastors quickly accept the tax advantages... while preaching liberalism, which really is not within non-profit guidelines!
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