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The followers of Jesus, Mary and Mary, come to the tomb to find Jesus only to find that he is not there, he has gone on ahead of them to Galilee. On the way to Galilee the encounter Jesus and told not to hold on to him, but to go on to Galilee and tell the others. Galilee invokes many of the stories of Jesus ministry and is home to many of his followers. Christ is not at the tomb, Christ is not one to be held onto, Christ is ahead of you where you live and where you work and where you spend your time. Christ is present in the day to day life and helps to transform that life. Christ is the one who helps you look at and face the difficulties of day to day existence and brings new hope to live changed lives, as individuals and as an extension communities in ever widening circles, in the midst of our fears, concerns and hopes. The celebration of Easter is the celebration of Christ with us in the day to day lives and decisions and joys and fears. The celebration of Easter is the celebration of hope that in facing the issues in our lives and in our communities, and in recognizing the presence of Christ not only in our lives but also in the multiplicity of lives that make up our communities, that we can help build better more hopeful lives for all the children of God, both those who recognize they are the children of God and those who don’t. Easter is a call to actively live our lives with the knowledge that Christ is present in all we think, do and say in our day to day lives and to let that knowledge guide both our private and our corporate lives.


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